Tuesday, May 8, 2012

*** ONE THOUSAND!! ***

Wow!  l,000 blog posts....A big milestone, considering I did not think I would ever continue blogging when I first started. :)

Anyway, where I have been the past few days?  Working away on the layout for my little Annabelle.  No pictures, as yet.  I want to have a little bit more put together first. ;)

But....look what I received as a present from Dianne at Hooven Sewing Center:

Rainbow of Colors
Absolutely glorious colors of wool felt...a rainbow!  All 100% wool felt!  Wasn't this a great present?  Diane told me she has had it around for a while and wanted to give it to someone who would use it to make something beautiful!  I was so surprised, and so thankful for such a nice gift. :)


  1. I love any updates regarding Anabelle and her friends. She is just so cute. I hope you market the pattern.

  2. Congratulations on such a great achievement of 1000 posts!

    Anabelle looks like she is a growing concern with friends and family and lots of interesting activiites.

    Love the colour of the wool felt. You are very lucky to be the lucky receipient to enjoy them.
