Thursday, May 3, 2012

Who is this?

Who is this?
Little Annabelle was playing with her carrot-handled jump rope, when she came across this little guy.

Who is this?
I am having waay too much fun with Annabelle.  She has certainly captured my heart, and there are still a few more adventures planned for her.:)

In the meantime, I want to introduce Annabelle's bestest friend ever, Sophie:

Sophie brought along a little snack for her and Annabelle to enjoy!


  1. I cannot wait to see the full picture of this quilt - it looks just so cute!!!

  2. Adorable. The little snail gives it such a whimsical look.

  3. I'm in love with Annabelle and Sophie. Can't wait to see more.

  4. Ohhhhhh how I love wee Sophie, I have fallen in love with her; she is just adorable, I sure hope we see these patterns up for sale one day. Cheers Glenda
