Sunday, May 27, 2012

Something for a lazy, summer day

Ever make a daisy chain when you were small?  As I said once before, I grew up in the city.  Not many daisies there!
 A little side note...would you believe that there are actual how-to videos on You-Tube for daisy chains?
 Thanks to an idea from Anne Marieke (thank you!),  little Annabelle has created her own daisy chain.  Little Kittie has offered to 'help.'  

The little white daisies do show up much better in person.

Thanks for stopping by and joining Annabelle in her little escapades!


  1. I couldn't have wished for a better execution of an idea. It is ever so cute and Kittie is so cute helping Annabelle!

    You are amazing, Michele, coming up with these gorgeous designs.

  2. Oh such beautiful memories this evokes??????? Those were the sunny summer days when you had all day to play and not a worry in the world. What a lovely moment you have captured Michele. Just delightful. Your skill with pen and then fabric is amazing. Thanks sooo much for sharing. Cheers Glenda

  3. Making daisy chains was always so much fun. I'm glad Annabelle enjoyed it, too. She's so sweet.
