Friday, May 25, 2012


Remember those summer days when a little dandelion fluff, or milkweed fluff, came floating by?  As a kid in our neighborhood in the city, it was rare to see one.  When one of us spotted one, we would all chase it to be the one to catch it.  Once caught, you made a wish and let it go floating back up in the sky, hoping that your wish would come true.

Here is Annabelle trying to catch her little 'wish' (as we called them as children), or has she already made hers and is letting it go?


  1. Sooo cute!!! You're wonderful in finding out tendresse in your appliquè! Very talented!!! Oh, yesssss!!!!!!!!

  2. She is just so sweet!! We had a ton of that fluff floating around yesterday. It looked like a snowstorm!

  3. I love seeing all the adventures that Annabelle is having. You inspire me!

    Blessings always

  4. I love everything about Annabelle - I especially love the fun you're having with her. :-)
