
My stitching & place
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8:52 AM
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Labels: Esther Aliu, Forget Me Not
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8:02 AM
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Labels: Miscellaneous
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9:41 AM
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I have thoroughly enjoyed working on the first applique block for Forget Me Not by Esther Aliu. Another freebie BOM! I had to make a choice between a peony and the sunflower. I really did like the peony, as well. Both are gorgeous.
This is sort of a 'rough draft' as far as the outside border goes. At this point, it is unknown what the frame of the block looks like, since this is a mystery BOM. However, in the pattern sheet for the blocks, it shows an arch. I made a temporary kind of arch, so I could get an idea of how the finished block might look. The fabric with the block at this point, is not the one I intend to use for the frame. These were leftover pieces from cutting the sashing.
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11:16 AM
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Labels: Esther Aliu, Forget Me Not
I did not realize until I looked at the date, that it has been a week since I posted anything! The reason, however, is because Esther Aliu's newest mystery BOM, Forget Me Not, Block 2, came out this week. Actually, the project started in February, but did not have any actual 'work' involved for Block 1, other than deciding on fabrics for the various borders and background.
For my block, I chose the sunflower. Sunflowers are pretty abundant here in Maryland. I have always had a fondness for them, so my choice was simple. The block is not complete, as yet. However, here are a few shots of what I have accomplished as of today.
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10:14 AM
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Labels: Esther Aliu, Forget Me Not
Posted by
9:31 PM
1 Stitchers stopped to say...
Labels: Country Cottages BOM, Jennifer Bosworth, Shabby Fabrics
Maybe it's the hint of spring in the air; it has certainly perked me up a bit. I worked on quite a few things the last couple of days. I finished attaching the binding for my Bewitched quilt. I still have to take pictures, but will have to take Blessings of Spring down off my quilt rack/shelf first. :)
Since it's release I have been working on Raining Cats and Dogs by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs. I am up to date on this one, with only the applique remaining for Block 4. Here are a few pictures. I (once again) have to apologize for the wrinkles. I have had these put away since completing them in the past few months. I kept forgetting to take pictures for this project.
Posted by
8:53 AM
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Labels: Anne Sutton, Bunny Hill Designs, Christmas, Quilting, Raining Cats and Dogs
I absolutely, positively LOVE picking up a finished quilt from the quilter! The only part left to be done was the binding....took me a day and a half, for some reason,.and...Drum roll, please........
My Blessings of Spring:
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6:38 PM
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Labels: Blessings of Spring, Jennifer Bosworth, Quilting, Shabby Fabrics