Not a lot of stitching has been happening around here this weekend. Family stuff...then I woke up Sunday and decided it was time to clean out and reorganize my bedroom! Started at the top and worked my way down! From ceiling fan, to walls, to windows and then just all the accumulated "stuff". Everything got sorted, taken out, thrown out or cleaned!
Now everything is nice and neat and tidy! :) Since my stitching chair is in this room, I tend to "collect" a lot of my stitching stuff around me. So, it was time.
I did, however, work on the finishing of my little Gingerbread House, just a little on Friday. But once I started attaching the sides together, I was not happy. I took it all apart and restarted it. I do not really like the whip stitch joining. So instead, I did a variation on the C. A. Wells method (I should say I started). The house bottom is almost done (again!) Maybe a few pictures later, if it gets done. ;)